The Thief's Tale

Quickly, you decide to turn left onto Broadway. You run as fast as you can, but you still hear the police sirens getting louder and louder with every second. You finally build up the nerve to glance behind you and see that the police cars are only twenty feet away. Fear fills your eyes, and your heart beats out of your chest. But then, you realize there is still a chance for you to escape.
"They haven’t caught me yet," you think. "I still have a shot at pulling this off."
Once again determined, you refocus your attention to the road ahead of you, only to realize you have approached a dead end. You slow to a stop, defeated. The bulk of your backpack feels heavy against your back.
"This is the end of the road for me," you think sadly, as you put your hands up and turn around to face the police.

You have 1 choice: