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Prison Breakout

You try again after two months which is a good idea because you are not the newest inmate and you are able to kind of fly under the radar and guards aren’t suspicious of you after two months of good behavior. You start to plan out your escape. To breakout you choose to make a step by step plan. Then you start on the first step of the plan, but you can’t figure out if you want to start with getting contraband to help with your breakout. Or if you want to find a hiding space for everything going into the plan, so your cell mate Freddy, the prison guards, and the warden don’t find your written plans and tools. Do you chose to get contraband first, or start with finding a hiding space?

You tell Freddy that “ you might get contraband and find a hiding space”.
Freddy angerly stares at you for a while then replies “ whatever you feel like idiot”
You finally except that he doesn’t care. “Bam” he slaps his leg hard to make a scene.
Freddy then exclaims “ if you get years added to my sentence for this I will kill you”
Scared you become silent with fear.