Homeworld - SGL Fanfic

Flying Blind

LeadBeast addresses the squad,"Let's get to the Bridge. Maybe we can gain control of the situation from there."

They open the door and move through the corridors with guns drawn.

They reach the bridge doors. LeadBeast gives the order,"Crack'em"
Jonal hits the control panel with his fist and the doors spring open.

Grunts stand guard at Torment control servers. Glowing cables run along the floor, connect the alien devices to the ship's systems.

"Take'm out" LeadBeast calls.
The squad spreads out and opens fire. Grunts return fire as they begin to fall to the Shadowgun's onslaught. Sparks start flying off the servers as the team redirects it's fire.

Suddenly a warp bubble forms in the room and two orange clad torments step out. They weld two deadly looking swords each. They are followed more blade carrying torments dressed in yellow.
"RavorBlades!" Ben calls out," keep your distance!"
The two torments overseers leap into the air and slam the floor. Each member of the squad is thrown to the opposite wall by the massive compression way.
"Son of a bitch!"Jonal exclaims, as he fires at the nearest Torment.
The next line of torment slams the floor again and squad is down. Torment forces overwhelm them.

As his vision fades, LeadBeast thinks back to what They could have done differently.

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