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Dark Secrets

There is no time to run. jumping off of the porch, you roll underneath it just as the door opens! You hear heavy footsteps on the floorboards above.

Looking around you realize that there is another entrance into the house from under here! A secret entrance. You don't want to be caught, but you don't want whoever was screaming to be hurt either!

The next words you hear make your body go hot.

"There is someone under the porch!"

With no time to waste, you open the entrance to the house under the porch and slide in. You find yourself in a dark, stone, hallway.

On the walls are lanterns casting shadows down the length of the corridor. The musty smell of death makes you gag.

Walking to the end of the passage you come to the door there. Cautiously, you open it as silently as possible. You find yourself in the basement of the house.

To your right there is a speedboat in a water inlet that leads out from the back of the house. Next to it is a hooded figure!