Let's Get this Bread

When you go through the exit, you are suddenly hit by colossal amounts of light. Even though you could see the sun through the glass of the dome roof, seeing the sun without anything blocking it made it vastly brighter. So bright, in fact, that you are momentarily blinded by it.

You look outside. You see no penguins and no bread. You have no idea where you are; Obama never told you where the dome was located. As you walk across the grassy outside of the Dome, which is reminiscent of a large garden, you think about Obama. You hope he's okay, but he probably isn't.

Suddenly, you see a fighter jet bearing the American Flag whizzing above you. It pauses for a few seconds above the dome.

You do not know where to go, and you feel like calling for the jet may help you. Do you call for it, or do you stay put?

You have 2 choices: