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Erinyes Game

You wake up the next Hemera phase, vision tinted red. Blinking a few times to get your vision back to normal, you can hardly get out of bed and dress up before you hear a scream.

You run to find Athena and the twins in front of the fourth room, and the door is ajar.

“Demeter…” whispers Athena.

Demeter’s room is filled with plants and green leaves everywhere. Her body is left sitting upright in a floral patterned armchair, sightless eyes staring at her flowers. There isn’t any blood to be seen, but what you do see are large bruises around her neck.

“Strangled…” Apollo says, horrified. “This is awful…”

The remaining Olympians all gather in the kitchen to eat together and talk, purposely avoiding the elephant in the room.

As you shove cereal into your mouth, you can’t stop thinking about seeing Demeter and Zeus together the previous night. Who can you even tell?

After breakfast, Zeus walks off by himself. Hera actually heads in the opposite direction. Hermes and Aphrodite extend an invitation to you, to join them in the entertainment room, and Artemis, Apollo, and Hephaestus seem to be doing their own thing.