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Erinyes Game

You wake with a gasp, staring up at the unfamiliar ceiling. Everything comes rushing back to you—the Erinyes game, Poseidon’s death, Aphrodite and Hermes and Ares and Hades...

Taking just a moment to appreciate that you’re still, somehow, alive, you get out of bed and get dressed, leaving your room. In the kitchen, Zeus and Hera are already there, talking quietly to each other. They greet you briefly before resuming their chat. You don’t mean to eavesdrop, but they’re definitely trying to come up with some sort of plan to stay alive.

Hermes and Hephaestus enter the kitchen at the same time.

“Hestia.” Hephaestus nods to you.

“Morning,” says Hermes, patting your shoulder. “Did you sleep well?”

“As well as I could have,” you reply with a weak smile.

Demeter and the twins are next to join the growing group in the kitchen, followed closely by Athena. As you force yourself to eat something, anything, you realize that there would only be two more people joining instead of three. The others, though they’re not trying to make it too obvious, are also watching the door.

Ares walks in, glaring at everyone until they turn away. You hold your breath.

“Morning, Hestia! Morning, everyone!” Aphrodite strides in with a cheerful grin. Letting out that breath, you give her a quick hug, ignoring the feelings of guilt that come with being happy over one’s survival compared to the other’s death.

“That means...” Demeter whispers. “Dionysus...”

The entire room sobers up.

“Should we check to see?” Asks Hermes. “Even with the whole metal choker thing, I still don’t know if I believe that some of us could kill another.”

“I’ll go check,” Zeus volunteers.

“You know what...” you start to say...