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Chance for a Dance | Just a Kiss GxB Paranormal Romance

Why, hello there! So you want to know about the story? I'm gonna guess you haven't read the original story on Wattpad yet.

Okay, then let's get you some background info.

* * * Minor spoilers for the Wattpad story below * * *

So there's this girl. Clara. She's the main character. You get to play as her.

Now, this world has humans and demons. And half-demons. And a bit o' magic-y stuff. And things called animus.

What's an animus? It's a familiar that all demons have. They're these kinda spirits in the form of animals, spirits that fight on the behalf of the demons they're linked to. Even half-demons have 'em. And if you read the story (spoiler alert!), Clara gets one, too. (Although she's not as practiced using hers, at first.)