Are you in?

He rear ends you at 65mph, sending both vehicles into the ditch on the side of the road.
He wasn't holding a gun, it was a cellphone.
You were just paranoid.
You look down at the box...and there is no box there.
you get out of the car...your driving a BUCKET! Like a 94' Nissan Sentra!
THE COPS ARRIVE...but they're not dressed like cops. They have gowns and scrubs on.

"Everything is okay now Chucky, everything is going to be just fine okayyyyy?"

(They're talking to me like i'm a crazy person.)

They calmly come up to you and place a jacket on you.

(What a funny jacket. It goes on backwards? ok whatever i'll play along.)

They place you in the car and you drive away from the wreckage.

The last thing you see as you drive through gate to a large stone building are the words "Asylum for the Criminally Insane"

You attempted to rob Louie, YOU shot Louie, then escaped in a stolen car from behind the restaurant. You had been missing for 6 hours after escaping the asylum.
End Of Story