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Touhou: Animism of Expansion EX

Yuyuko's suspicions were correct, as the wielder of the blade was none other than her loyal half-ghost retainer, Youmu! Though with the amount of duties she had around her, the term 'servant' might be more accurate...Resting on Youmu's face were tired eyes, though this was a normal look for her on Tuesdays; Maintaining her scornful look directed at Yuyuko she sheathed her long blade, readying to lecture her Lady. Before she could begin, Yuyuko pounced on Youmu, immersing her in hug, "Youm~uuu! Thank goodness you're back! There was this horrible noise that scared me half to re-death! And then you scared me even closer to it, but it's ok, cus you are baaaack!" As Yuyuko's hug continues, The statuesque spirit's mountainous breasts situated themselves on either side of Youmu's white-haired head...

Despite the fact she should be used to this, with innumerable years of serving Yuyuko under her proverbial belt...Youmu could never not be uncomfortable whenever it happened, this moment being no exception. "Yuyuko-sama...please.!" After several more minutes, Youmu squirmed her way out of Yuyuko's embrace. Catching her breath, she was finally able to get a word in edgewise to her Lady; "gasp...gasp...gasp...Yes, cough, Yuyuko-sama, I have returned. I was only gone for maybe...2 Hours? To be honest, I'm surprised to find you awake even at this hour. Ordinarily, you sleep until 1 in the afternoon. I'm not, however, surprised to see you in the kitchen...And to find you attempting to eat the cake I made, but I'll return to that later. First, why did you open all these drawers, my knives are splayed in all directions now! Was it to slice the cake? And can you not do something as simple as dressing yourself? Just because you had the manor to yourself, doesn't mean you can walk around with a wide open robe! For goodness sake, did your sense of decency die when you did?!" Youumu looked down, gripping the bridge of her nose, only to lift her face back towards the direct of her Lady, where it displayed an even more intense stern look of frustration...""Yuyuko-sama...just...what were you doing?"

"" Yuyuko became timid at the conclusion of Youmu's tirade, "I...I became elated when it dawned on me that I had the manor to myself, so I made my way into the normally don't let me in here. I'm not dumb...I know why. And when I saw the cake, I had never laid my eyes on one before, so I just had to know what it was, so I snooped in the drawers to find those magazines...After that, I couldn't contain myself, I just wanted one bite! Ohhhhh...Youmu! I'm sooo sorryyyy!!" By the end of her defense, Yuyuko's voice had become a painfully saddened whimper, looking downwards as she spoke and poking her fingertips together. This, in combination with her round delicate face, made for an adorable display that made Youmu feel guilty for scolding her...

Yuyuko was now on her knees, the open nature of her damaged robe granting visibility to her nipples & inner thighs, much to Youmu's embarrassment. Yuyuko was almost on the verge of tears when Youmu decided to console her, knowing that she couldn't let her Lady become so glum. Kneeling down to Yuyuko's level, she stroked her fluffy cherry-pink locks, calming her. Looking up to face Youmu, she saw that where tired and angered eyes were once kept now rested a gentle & empathetic gaze, a soft smile on Youmu's lips below. "Yuyuko-sama...I should be the one apologizing to you. I don't remember the last time I had ever spoken to you like was likely after the incident we managed to cause, and even then, I only scolded you so I wouldn't feel any guilt about helping you steal the Spring. This time...I have no excuse..." "Y-Youmu..." "I haven't see, I had made that cake only after Ran-san had granted me those magazines. It seemed like a great gift for someone. It's for that Reisen girl, over at Eintei in the Bamboo Forest? her. Very heavily. And although it's hard to tell how old a Lunarian is, I've overheard that her birthday was soon. So I made it for her. And when I saw you had almost eaten it, I was furious! But I didn't have much right to be...I know you, so I should have expected this."

"Oh, Youmu, I didn't know you liked someone! This news...makes be even more upset!" Almost crying again, Youmu acted quick before her Lady could. "No! No no no no! Yuyuko-sama, You shouldn't be upset! " "W-why?" "Because I can always make another one." Yuyuko's face beamed with a happiness brighter than an Spell Card she had. "YOU CAN?! ", she shouted in excitement, resulting in Youmu being gifted with another soft, warm hug, once again getting a face full of bulbous breast flesh, this time with full nipple. Her face as red as a ripe radish, Youmu pleaded to be let go, " more hugs...ehehe..." This embrace lasting longer than the last, Yuyuko finally releases her retainer. 'Thank you...again, Yuyuko-sama.", Youmu said catching her break once more. "Oh, you are very welcome, my sweet Youmu!"

Yuyuko's face was still beaming, but her happiness was soon replaced with curiosity, staring once more at the fateful Chocolate Cake. Turning back to Youmu, she ask, "Youmu?" "Yes?" "I have only now noticed...before you returned, I had managed to slice into the chocolate cake. It's a very deep cut, actually..." Joining her Lady at the plate, Youmu bend her head down to get a closer look. "Ooooh...yes, that is a deep cut, I can't give it to Reisen like this..." "Oops..." "It's fine, Yuyuko-sama. Like I said, I can easily make another one. For now...I'll let you eat this one, just like you wanted to." "REALLY?! Oh thank y-oh wait..." "Huh? W-what is it?" Youmu was slightly taken aback by the fact that her Lady was hesitating to eat something...that only happened when something was seriously wrong. "Weeeell, after all the trouble I have caused with this cake, I'd feel horrible if I only ate it by myself...Let's share it, Youmu!"

"Yuyuko-sama?!" Her Lady...sharing food?! Something was most definitely wrong! "Are you sure?" "I am positive! Besides, you'll never impress your little crush with that skinny frame, so you need some cake in you! So come, let's eat it together!"

Youmu didn't know what to say...her lady had a point, she had always been very small, in her height and her...assets. But she also knew that her Lady would not be satisfied with just 1 cake. She knew that if she joined her in this meal, she would be dragged along and forced to eat with Yuyuko for the rest of the ensuing binge across the land she takes every month. She hadn't taken one this month and she was overdue...What was Youmu going to say to Yuyuko's offer?