Toilet Quest

"Drive me into town or I will stab you with... oh crap!" You remember that you left your sword as it was to heavy. Also, you only have two skill points in unarmed combat. The merchant is 7 feet tall, and angry. He grabs you, throws you into the nearby river and dunks your head under water.
Hold your breath!

How long did you last?
< 1 min? You swallow a lot of water, struggling as the merchant nearly drowns you. Drink 2 cups of water
1-2 min? The fight is tough, you both struggle real hard. You swallow some water. Drink 1 Cup.
>2 min? Well done! You just wait under water patiently until the merchant thinks you had enough. No drink for you.

Anyway, you have to walk now. Wait 30 min. Before continuing.

You have 1 choice: