
It's early in the morning. Almost everybody is asleep but the few who are awake see an amazing sight. A brilliant red flame streaks through the night sky, causing the stars to be dwindled as it's brightness as it grows in the sky slowly getting bigger and closer to the horizon. It's hits the nearby Pacific, forcing a trail of steam and spray into the air as it boils the water.

You lie in bed but must awake early and get up just in time to see the impact. You are about to look away from the window and get ready when you notice a slight purple glow emitting from where the impact occurred. You squint to get a closer look and yes, the glow is there. It seems to be getting bigger. Slowly the glow becomes big enough to see as a wave of what appears to be energy.

You watch it draw nearer, displacing water as it plows nearer and nearer to the coast. Suddenly it reaches the coast. You hear weird sounds coming from your phone. One look at it and you see the crazy displace of changing colours on it. As you look at it out of the corner of your eye you notice the wave getting very bright almost blinding and your phone suddenly flicks off, the screen going black.

What do you do?