In The Dark

"I'm surrounded by buffoons"you hear the king groan. "Find him, and kill him"he continued the words stabbing you."As for the girl let the mage have with her, then feed her to the Dragon." How in the heck can he keep a dragon, you thought. Everyone knows that a dragon are impossible to control, yet how is he able to have one, wierd. "And make sure she doesn't get out"he finished possibly happily.

Before you could snap back you were lifted high on Scars sholder and was carried off. Light, finally, you can see, The sight of stairs floating under you made you a bit dizzy. Scar turns the corner and heads in a different direction, Cail seemed more terrified with every step.

"What's with you"You mumble, the sound of your voice made Cail jumped.

"Nothing"he sqeaked.

"UH huh, right like I'm that stupid"you laugh mockingly noticeing that the beautiful features of the castle dissapearing.

"Not like it's any of your business, Bbut the mage gives me the creeps, and I'm afraid of dragons"he continued.

"Who wouldn't be, only a fool would not be affraid of a dragon"you said knowingly. Suddenly Scar stopped you looked over his shoulder and saw another stairway. But this one headed down into the shadows.

You have 1 choice: