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In The Dark

"Nope She's hasn't woken for three days, maybe she's dead"spoke another this one more whispy then the first.

"Come'on you know she can't die we already checked, remember"growled the first.

"Then you check already Scar, We already have five guards in the hospital wing becuase of her, and I don't want to be the sixth"the second whimpered.

"Alright" the first groaned, you hear him step down some stone stairs. Soon you feel something tugging on one the braids in your hair"come on wench, wake up" he said pulling harder on your hair.

"Uhh"you groan deep inside your throat as you slightly opened your eyes.

"See Cail,she's alive"he continued letting go of your hair.

"I'm surprized I am"you mumbled seeing more clearly now. Turns out you were in a castle chamber. the guy who pulled your hair was HUGE, he was ten feet tall with a brown chrome cut, very broad, and ver very muscular. The person by the door was nothing more then a teenage boy, he seemed very skinny and pale, curly short white-blonde hair and seemed quite scrawny for his age.

"Alright lady, now that we got your attention heres the deal"ordered Scar"we have a little surprise for you" he continued.

"A surprize, for me, ah you shouldn't have"You laughed mockingly, unfortunatly you were smacked right on the face for it(ouch). "Get up" he continued sounding slightly annoyed. he grabbed one of your chains and pulled you up to your feet, the weight of the chains almost sent you plopping on the floor. Scar just shoved you through the door, Cail quickly following.