The Great War, the British Soldier's Perspective

I've begun basic training. I'm in the pals battalion, so, at least I'm with the boys. [physically write down the names of your five closest friends. Replace the friends listed with your friends in alphabetical order]. Adam, Brady, Chris, Dan, Ethan, and I have been best friends since our first year of school. Chris swears that this is going to be an adventure. Adam and Ethan both say that the only thing that can be done is to fight the huns, and protect the Belgians from German barbarism... I just don't want to get white feathered. Brady is only 15 years old, but, we couldn't leave him home - he'd have just lied about his age after we left, and then we wouldn't even be able to protect him. Honestly, I can't even believe this is happening. Dan's uncle's friend is apparently the guy that decides what job we have in the military, so we actually get to choose between infantry and artillery. Everyone seems to be looking to me to decide what path to take...