The Legend of Zelda
"It is true, I see. Why do you not take?"
"What would the point in that be? To rob a defenceless man" said Link
"Little, you see, foolish boy. For now a quest I have for you. Go to lake cave. Slay dragon. Return here. Recieve ring."
Without another word the Elder vanished.
Navi flew up to Link "I told you not to piss him off... You're lucky you still have a spine."
"What did I do???"
"Nevermind that, lets just go on.... Idiot"
"What would the point in that be? To rob a defenceless man" said Link
"Little, you see, foolish boy. For now a quest I have for you. Go to lake cave. Slay dragon. Return here. Recieve ring."
Without another word the Elder vanished.
Navi flew up to Link "I told you not to piss him off... You're lucky you still have a spine."
"What did I do???"
"Nevermind that, lets just go on.... Idiot"