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The Haunting of Lake Side Cemetery

Video camera attached to your face you swing around to confront whatever is behind you. Nothing but the wind greets you. The cemetery is empty, just the long dead.

"Hello!" You call out, feeling foolish. Of course nothing was there, just your imagination working over time.

Then you see her. She's kneeling behind a grave, her eyes watching you as she hides behind her hair. There's something not right about her, like she's the after image of a photograph. You focus the camera on her, you'll want to review the footage later to make sure you're not seeing things.

The cemetery has become quiet, almost unnaturally so. She's just staring at you and you stare back. Is she real, is she a ghost? Are you just going to stand there the rest of the day and look at this child?

Before you can decide what to do next she smiles at you and you realize whatever this thing it, it isn't a child, or at least it hasn'tt been for a long while. The grin is evil and wide, it stretches her face in a way skin should never be stretched. Her teeth are large and sharp. A hushed giggle slips from her thin lips as she sees fear creep over your face. Her eyes darken into black pools like a disgusting pond that a monster lives beneath.

You take a step back, haltingly. You are genuinely scared,and it's not a sensation you enjoy. You get a feeling in your abdomen, like you really have to pee.

She stands up, a jerking motion, almost too quick for the human eye. You take another step back and she takes another one forward. She stops and lifts her head to the wind, sniffing like a dog. She gives you a look of longing and then bolts in the opposite direction.

After she leaves you feel safe again. This part of the cemetery is too interesting to to leave without doing a few things first.
