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PE Story

“Again that's what they said the other day in that talk thing” said mitch
“Yeah well I listened, by the sounds of it you didn't” replied Kyle
“This might sound a bit over the top but what young people don’t realize is that binge drinking can cause many long term risks that go well beyond getting drunk and acting irresponsibly.” Says Kyle
“Mate you're a pretty good listener” Mitch said back
“Well I’m just trying to tell you not to go ahead with this because this could easily turn bad” said Kyle
“Like this probably doesn’t affect you but because I have a gun licence and todays communities are so anti-gun they take any opportunity they can to take a gun licence from anyone that has got one. So I try my best not to give them that opportunity.” Kyle explained
“Yeah will that's pretty smart, like guns are your life.” Says mitch
“Well yeah I have grown up with them since I was a kid” replies Kyle
“Hey how about we go and have some fun without alcohol. You can always enjoy a night without drinking. We should just get hammered on creaming soda” Mitch says

You have 1 choice: