The Battle of the Realms

Then Ryan said, ”Let's just throw it off a cliff.”
“NO, That is foolish.” Brianna said.
”Fine.”Ryan said. “Roll. We are wasting Time.”
It was time to roll, and it was your turn.
”A 3. Not enough, oh no.” Jason said. Then the game said, `the fire will the bird.'
“Cool we get a torch.’’ Ryan whispered. ”NO what about th…’’
Then, a Phoenix arose from one of the graves, with the gems.
“...RUN.” You yell.
“INTO THE CHURCH!” Brianna yells back.
Then Ryan ran to the phoenix, fire, smoke and the 2 monsters.
Then he came out and with the gems somehow in 1 piece. But then the 2 monsters were chasing him!
“We can finish the game!” Ryan said excitedly. Then, you ran into the church, out of breath. It was Brianna’s turn to roll. She rolled a 12. “WOW!” You said with a thump on the door. Then, there was a sound.Then everything sucked into the box and then there was a light. There was a giant wwwooooooooooshhhing sound.Then the game was back to normal. Well, mostly normal. We had no gems.”NO!” Ryan screamed.
“Deep breaths,” you say, ’’deep breaths.”
End Of Story