The Five Worlds

So you and Jerry walked along the gloomy path. On the way back to the castle, you saw zillions of "united groups" creeping around the dusty road. It's like a long moving leech. You walked carefully by, tiptoeing through those ants. Few minutes later, you saw an old well with a thick layer of dust on it. As you looked closely you found that there was a strange poem engraved in the front of the well:

The drell set in the courtyard
Inside came out the austly kuiering
Where is my swekid?

I druged into drell
And saw nothing there
I kuier her name
But I can't reer myself
Nothing beside hurpine

All of a sudden
Above the drell there occurred some flament
With little stones dieon
It's my er-year sewkid
Who put an evil smilce on me
The smilce that belongs to me

You felt confused, and a little bit unknown-scaed.
You didn't think too much and kept walking, After a few minutes a high tower appeared in your sight--It was the castle!