Psycho Killer

You run and dont stop again until you get to the police station, they recognize you immediately, they ask what the problem was this time and you tell them. They send out state police to the location you told them, they have you come along too so you can tell them where everything is. The state police go in first to their suprise nothing you told them about is their they find your dads body. Dead. They can't find anything else you tell them to go look at your house. You all go but find nothing unusual except for a sheep mask and your dads "military bags" gone through. They run fingerprints tests on a knife they found and it has your ID on it. They put it all together and diagnose you mentally in sane and convict you fro the murder of your father, they release a public statement saying that they wrongly convicted you father multiple times and you were just making up all the bad things about your father. You know none of this is true but nothing favors you for evidence... except for a sheep mask.
End Of Story