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Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

You take the path that branches off towards the hedge. It takes you along bushes of box, cut in the most fantastic shapes, flower-beds consisting mostly of violets and blue forget-me-nots, old oaks with trunks big enough to hide three people from sight.

It's a shame it's getting dark, you think to yourself. You would have loved to see the garden at daylight.

Finally you reach the bend to the right. The hedge prevents you from seeing where the path leads to, but you discover it soon enough. Suddenly you don't feel very comfortable anymore when you see the small field, surrounded by a tall hedge at all sides to create privacy and peace for the dead that obviously are buried here. There must be at least twenty gravestones, all very well maintained, with fresh flowers on every grave.
You're surprised you haven't seen it before. At least, you don't recall anything about a graveyard, but that doesn't say much, as you don't seem to remember a lot of things while you know you should.