Four Kingdoms, The

Climbing a tree could result in injury or death, and the zombies might be coming for you. At least if you walk in a straight line, you have a half chance of moving away from the zombies. You walk forward, no thought in mind but moving one step at a time, making sure you aren't walking in circles. You have a vague memory of hearing about people who do that. You focus on a specific point and go there, then continue on. Soon, night becomes dawn, and dawn becomes day. You are extremely tired for walking through the night, but you continue on, hoping to find an exit to the forest. Finally, you see an exit through a group of trees. You collapse on the ground, your energy drained. You push yourself forward one step at a time until you see through the trees. Spitting blood, you see where you are. You are looking at a body of water from the top of a cliff.

You groan. With most of your energy gone, you don't have many options. You could wait and hope somebody comes, but the chances of that are low. Your other option, of course, is to jump off a cliff. Neither option seems particularly appealing. You've heard of Hawaiian Cliff Divers, but you don't particularly have the skills of a gymnast. You'll starve eventually, and you're half dead already.