Living Past the End

You don't know what wakes you, but you sit upright in your bed, blankets pooled around your waist. Your room was dark, the only light coming from the moon through your bedroom window. You breathe in deeply, trying to place what made you wake at one in the morning.

"Garrett?" a small voice whispers. You look up towards your bedroom door which is now cracked. Adrianna stands with her head peeking through the crack, her stuffed elephant trailing behind her on the floor. Her pink blanket is over her head, her eyes wide with fear.

"Adrianna? What's wrong? What are you doing up?" you ask, sliding your feet out from under the blankets. Before you can stand, she rushes into the room, jumping up onto the end of your bed, crawling to your side. She holds Peanut closely to her chest, and she lays her head on your pillow.

"Daddy started yelling at Mommy again," she whispers. "I heard something break."

So that's what woke you. You look at Adrianna who had curled up in the corner, her eyes terrified. "Garrett?" she asks. "What do we do?"