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The Five Worlds

As I went along the path, there was a disgusting smell in the atmosphere.It smelled like something is rotten. I look around and found two grave stones, peacefully lying there. The crows were standing on the stones, staring at me with deep dark eyes. I quickly went away and suddenly a tremendous castle crashed in my sight. It was fantastic! The castle was gorgeous and shiny. On the top there was a flag, it wrote"RORRIM". I heard people chating, also the murmur of the crows behind me. I went straight in to the castle, the two guards blocked me and checked if I brought dangerous weapons. After that, they gave me a smile and a passport politely."Hey, Simon!" I heard a familiar voice and turned back, it was my best friend Jerry! We were both glad and we decided to go together. "Simon, I saw something strange when I passed the grave yards, let's go back and have a look."