A Renaissance Nightmare

The costume shop you chose is massive. What looked to be a small, quaint shop from the outside opens up into a huge warehouse. They seem to have every type of costume in stock that you could think of, from gypsy to royalty, Viking to fairy. They are all so intricately designed, too. And right in your price range. You narrow down your options between two costumes – a sorcerer and an elf.

The elf costume contains elvish ears and a leather pouch. It comes with a shiny silver cloak. The silver thread is heavy and shining. This costume looks so majestic!
The sorcerer’s costume also has a cloak, but this one is brown and dingy. The cloak is accompanied with a long brown staff with a snake’s head on it. The snake’s eyes are shining red rubies.

Chuck and Noraa enter the shop. You guess that the fireworks are over, and Noraa made it safely to the fair. You inquire their opinions of each costume.
“The elf costume is so bad ass! You’ll look like royalty,” Chuck says.
“No, the wizard costume is way cooler. Check out that staff!” Noraa insists.

These guys are no help. Go ahead and pick a costume. If you can’t decide, flip a coin for it.