A Renaissance Nightmare

Chuck grabs some kettle corn on the way inside the arena. Noraa suddenly appears next to you. Everyone settles into their seats, and the royal court enters. The King and Queen are wearing long velvet cloaks and march to the stage where they take their place at their prospective thrones. Four extravagant knights on horses trot into the arena and create a circle of fire. They clear the center for a man with a whip that enters the circle of fire without fear. He swings his fifty foot whip around his head, and then drags it on the ground allowing it to catch fire on the circle. The fiery whip illuminates the man’s bare chest and he begins whipping the fire in an impressive display. Just then, the fireworks begin, and an amazing light show appears before your eyes. You take a handful of kettle corn and enjoy the show.
As the show ends, you notice some staff dressed as knights ushering guests to the exit gates. The festival is almost over. You’d better hurry and search for costumes. “Come on guys,” you say to Chuck and Noraa, “I need to find a costume for tomorrow.”
The three of you head to the nearest costume shop. A beady eyed man with a long grey beard and long grey hair greets you as you enter, “Hail and well met! Welcome to my shop. How can I help ye?”
You look around noticing mostly steel and swords. You might have come to the wrong shop, but you still say, “I’m looking for a costume.”
“Aye, I have the just the thing,” and the man points to a display of a full knights costume. It looks just like the ones that the security is wearing, except it has an extravagant design on the breast plate. There is a fleur-de-lis on each shoulder and some sort of family crest in the center. The crest contains a snake eating a tree, a mushroom, a monster, and a flame in each of its four quadrants. It is so cool looking, and it even comes with a sword, but it is a little over your budget for a costume.
“Is this all you’ve got?” you ask the beady eyed man.
“Hurry up now, the fair is closing,” is all he responds with.
You debate the options. It’s such an amazing costume; you want to jump into it right now. But you don’t have time to browse other shops. Maybe you should wait until tomorrow and get a costume then.