A day as Penny

You open the door with your pink robe and fuzzy bunny slippers on.
It's your teenage sister Fiona.
You remember that you invited her over to help you prepare for the party happening later on.
"Hey Fi Fi."
"Hey Penny, why aren't you dressed yet?" Fiona says puzzled.
"I just got out of the shower."
She enter your house.
You smile at your younger sister. She mirrors you somewhat. Also having curly hair of a darker brown that she usually has straightened and thick eyebrows. Her eyes are brown and her skin a bit darker then yours. She spends a lot of time at the beach.
"Penny get dressed. We have shopping to do!" She claps her hands and gets very excited at the word shopping.
You roll your eyes slightly.

"Wait here, make yourself at home. I'll be back shortly."

You make your way to your room and search through the closet.