A Brutal Slasher Story - Please Add On To This

You feel your cock against Brandon's as he holds them together. This is not something you are used to, but the feeling of his cock against yours, while his hand grips and rubs them together is quiet intense. You start to push your tongue into his mouth as you try to taste every bit of him. He seems interested in doing the same as you both passionately engage in what many know as french kissing. Your bodies start to sweat as things heat up from both the hot summer night, and your activity in the sleeping bag. You both wish this feeling of ecstasy could last forever, however you both are so enveloped with each other that you failed to notice the intruder who sneaks into the room. The combination of your body on top of Brandon's, the distraction of your deeds, and the fact that you are both wrapped up good and tight in the sleeping bag, makes it impossible for Brandon to do any evasive action when he notices the killer and his crossbow. For a second you feel Brandon sort of thrash out as if startled. Suddenly a sharp pain enters your back as the crossbolt rips through both of you. It passes through both bodies and stops in the floor boards, pinning your abs together. His hand suddenly grips both cocks tight and pressure then releases causing you both to climax. With both of your bodies pinned to the floor, and the killer standing over you both it is pretty much impossible to escape now. Blood is now exiting both your bodies and cum spouting from your cocks, in a vain attempt to reproduce, which will never occur.