The Story of A Chinese-American (ACWM)

You decide to offer to help with supplies, decamping equipment in preparation of the army moving. The army does soon move, but in retreat, and a month later, in April of 1865, the Confederate Army surrenders. After receiving word that your plantation was torched by Union forces, you decide to move north to New York, where you hear there is a small Chinese community. After marrying, you settle down, starting a small restaurant. Discriminated enough for your race, you keep your association with the Southern army a well-kept secret. As more Chinese immigrants come to New York over the next few decades, your economic prospects improve, and you slowly become an established figure in New York's Chinatown community. After your passing in 1899, you leave you sons and daughters with savings and a home, certainly an accomplishment for a Chinese immigrant in 19th century America.

Thank you for reading!
End Of Story