Explicit Pokemon Adventures

You chose Charmander

Pr.Author: "Ohh, so Charmander was your choice. Good choice, my favorite of the three personally. It is the lizard Pokemon; The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication of its emotions. The flame wavers when Charmander is happy, and blazes when it is enraged."

Charmander: The Lizard Pokemon. |Female/Level 5/Unique|

Marry: "Oh well if your going to choose Charmander I guess my only option is Squirtle!"
You depart with Marry from the lab and you begin walking back, however Marry stops you dead in your track.

Marry: "Hey Red, let's have a battle!....oh come on, you know you want too. How bout this, if you win, you get a special reward. If I win I get to gloat. How bout it?"

You have 1 choice: