Life on Planet Limbo

Having taken a middle seat, a few rows closer to the front.

The Co-pilot takes his seat in the cockpit and a few moments later, the ship began to lurk forward. The blast off throws your body violently against your belt straps. It is like this for a moment, until you enter the planets atmosphere, where things balance out as you accelerate towards the ground.

You glance at the grim faces of the passengers as everything calms, some seeming irritated and others looking sick to their stomachs.

A few minutes pass, and a voice over the comm link of the cockpit can be heard.

"Shuttle 2, you have a Hylit ship inbound, stay your course, we have fighters heading to you now. Max acceleration," the voice crackled.

"We are at max, sir, we cannot accelerate any faster," the pilot said.

"Evasive maneuvers, pilot, our fighters are headed their as fast as they can, over and out"

"But sir-" the pilot tried saying before the comm link broke. He slammed his fist on the radio.

Not a moment after he hit the comm, a loud explosion noise filled the ship. You squeeze your eyes shut from the noise, then turn your head towards it.

A large hole at the end of the ship pulled a man out of his seat completely, leaving the bottom half of his body.

Your stomach is in knots, you can hear the pilot shouting into the comm but can't make out what he's saying, the ship entering a violent spiral.

The back half of the ship ripped off, so close to you that the person next to you was on the other half.

You grip your seat tightly, closing your eyes listening to the screaming around you as your stomach tightens and your heart thuds in your ears.

A few seconds later, you feel a hard jerk and metal scraping metal. You look to see what the noise was.

A few seats on the opposite side of you towards the cockpit is all that's left, a few feet off of the ground. You had gotten caught on a tree, but the force pulled the cockpit and the few seats behind the cockpit at such a high amount that it kept going even when the rest of the ship was stopped.

Electrical wires hung above head, sizzling and zapping. You breathe heavily, looking at the faces around you. 5 other people made it, two to your left, and 3 in the seats directly opposite of you.

Everyone sits for a moment, dazed and awestruck.

You have 1 choice: