The Kingdom

"Get me the SecDef, SecNav, and the nearest allied vessel on the horn now." Captain Nova said.
A sailor at a console rapidly typing, carrying out the Captain's commands. A screen drops down from the ceiling of the bridge and three faces appear on the screen. The SecDef , Alan White, the SecNav, Leo Cliff, and the Captain of the USS York, a reestablished refined Essex-class carrier, John Bowman.
"Gents sorry to bother you but I'm being shoot at by an unknown enemy." Captain Nova said.
The three faces changed from annoyance to concern.
"Where are you at?" Captain Bowman asked.
"We are currently are 1,000 mile off the coast of New Zealand, steaming westward, we are sending our POS." Captain Nova said while snapping his fingers.
A sailor tapped away at a screen.

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