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Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

"So, where are you heading to anyway?" you ask, mildly irritated now by his attitude, though trying not to sound rude.

You start the car and try not to peek at the guy when he tells you he needs to go to Elmrow, a place that sounds a bit familiar, but you can't remember why.

He's quite intriguing, you must admit. When he got in, you saw the morning sun cast an orange-reddish light on half of his face. The other half was wrapped in shadows. The sun reflected in his eyes, which seemed unnaturally dark.
This, together with his strange destination, makes you curious and concerned at the same time.

Nevertheless you drive away, heading for the next town, some twenty miles ahead.
The freeway is still very much deserted. The horizon stretches out on either side of you. It's a beautiful sight and Zack seems to enjoy it, hanging out the window, the wind playing with his dark-blonde hair.

Still his mouth doesn't stop talking. He is driving you crazy, talking about the astonishing view, giving you compliments and asking you lots of personal questions. You politely answer them all, to his great satisfaction.

After a while you've had enough. "How come you are talking about everything but yourself?" Your voice clearly expresses the annoyance that had been growing inside of you.

He puts his hands up in defence. "Whoaw! Take it easy hon'. I was just making conversation."
"My name is Amber." You try to keep a blank face. "I was just wondering why you're not telling me anything about yourself, except that you're a Casanova named Zack who probably does nothing else with his life than seducing innocent girls with his smooth personality. You may have the looks and the right words but it's not gonna work with me, I promise you."
You see the exit to the nearest town, Radford, and take it.

From the corner of your eye you can see Zack pout. "Aww, come on. That's not very fair. I admit, I have a hidden agenda, but I'm not as bad as you make me sound."

You stop the car at the parking lot just outside the town and turn to the guy. You are hit by his beauty, now that you see him in broad daylight and for a moment you don't know what to say or how to act.

"Are you throwing me out?" he says in surprise.
"Well, I promised to take you to the nearest town and I did," you explain.
"Don't you want to know what my hidden agenda is then?"

Now you're hesitating. You are quite curious about what he really wants from you, but maybe you don't want to know.
What are you gonna do?