High School Summer Camp

Let's just say, I fucking hate these kids but I have to take care of them. It wasn't even my choice, the principal was just like 'Oh hey, yeah you're taking care of summer camp'. I'm not a strict teacher, I'm pretty laid back I guess 'cool' as they would call me. I'm a young teacher, 24 years old. I finished college and went straight into teaching.

We just got off of the bus and are now in the middle of nowhere in Washington. You may be asking, 'Why the hell are you in the middle of nowhere doing summer camp?' Good question, I don't fucking know. I'm practically surrounded with stupid horny boys, not a good way to start off my summer break.

"Alright, set up your tents, boys with boys, girls with girls. Two per net, and be finished in 20 minutes!" I shouted at them. I started setting up my tent along with them. All of the boys were...