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Alien vs. Jocks

The alien escapes the noise of the party and heads to the main road which is quieter and poorly lit. Scared and alone but no longer in danger, the alien comes out of attack mode and huddles into a ball on the road.

At the same time, a car is hurtling down the road. It's swerving in every direction as the driver is drinking heavily to make up for being late to the party. Inside the car are two ripped jocks who are late as they've just finished the final football game of the season. They're in high spirits as they dominated the other team. The rest of their teammates are coming later in a minibus but these two wouldn't fit so the driver Todd offered to take his mate Bradley in his own car. Todd is already wasted.

'Dude, slow down!' Bradley warns. 'We want to get to this party alive!'



Todd tells him to lighten up and drink some more but suddenly the car hits something and swerves off the road, settling in the nearby woodland.

'Fuck, I think we hit something!' Bradley cries.

'Oh shit, my dad's gonna kill me!' Todd wails.

But that's where Todd is wrong as suddenly the car is lifted up off the ground - it's the alien. It had dug it's claws into the underside of the car and is carrying it back onto the road.

'What the fuck?!' yells Todd, with no idea of what's going on. The alien then lets go, slamming the car onto the ground. Todd's nose breaks as he hits the steering wheel with force. Then everything goes eerily silent. Todd blubbers about his nose.

'It's just a stupid prank,' Bradley says. 'Nothing to be afraid o-'

Suddenly the alien's claw smashes through the front windscreen and embeds itself into Bradley's chest before dragging him out. Bradley lets out a blood-curdling scream as he is pulled into the alien's mouth and chewed up, his head popping like a cherry. Todd screams so loud he thinks his lungs will burst and desperately tries to start up the engine, but the keys have fallen under his seat.

Meanwhile, the alien stands at the side of the car and outstretches its humongous arms. One hand sits on the back trunk and another on the bonnet. It then uses its mighty strength to push, slowly compressing the car. Todd panics and desperately tries the door but the mechanism is broken as the car is compressed. Everything is closing in on the stud now. He is pressed up against the steering wheel whilst his seat is pushed into his back.

Todd fights for breath as his ribs crack and he can hear all of his other bones doing the same. Finally, there's a crunch as Todd's hunky body is crushed and the car is left as just a mangled box. The alien throws it deep into the woods. What's its next move?