Troubling Events in Sunset Valley

"My mother recently died," you explain. His face falls and he looks immediately uncomfortable, but you ignore this as you continue, "My parents got a divorce ten years ago and I went to live with her in the city. Now that she's gone, I'm going to live with my father."

"In Sunset Valley," the driver concludes. He looks at you apologetically. "I'm so sorry, darling. The lose of one's parent at such a young age is... horrible. I am sure that your father is at least a wonderful gentleman."

The lights turn green and the taxi driver steps on the gas. The taxi is filled with awkward silence.

You haven't seen your father in ten years. Your only contact with him came in the form of phone calls on your birthday and Christmas, and money in little envelopes. He's never really cared about you - too caught up in his own dramas. You don't know him, he's a stranger.

You feel that you would be better off alone.

As the minutes tick by and the city gives way to country side, you rest your head against the side of the seat and try to go to sleep. The driver tells you it'll be a long ride.

You have 1 choice: