Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


Time passes. At least, you think it passes. You don't have any way of knowing for sure. It feels like years, ages, aeons... eternity. And eternity merges back into one single moment of darkness. Infinity is much like nothing, and nothing like infinity, you muse uselessly, floating senseless in the ocean of forever.
A pricking sensation begins to irritate you, like pins and needles in your legs. Legs! You have legs again! And arms... and a body...
Still you cannot quite reach it, but you can feel it, draped limply against something hard and cold, huddled lifelessly, eyelashes still wet against its cold skin.
As the warmth comes back, the pins-and-needles recede, and light begins to seep through your closed lids. The mist of nothing begins to lift, and you eagerly wait as the blood surges into your fingertips and you can move again. You open your eyes, tasting salty wetness as you take a deep breath. By the dim light, you can see the stone walls around you, enclosing a spacious, cluttered room that appears to be some kind of laboratory, only stranger.
Weakly, you sit up, propping yourself up against the stone bench you'd been lying on.