Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


"Well, every hero needs an enchanted artifact, right?" I said. "No time like the present, I guess."

"I told you that you'd end up babysitting the hero," said the other voice. "You may as well just kill the entire opposing army for him."

"Don't be ridiculous," I said. "It's not interesting unless it's a close match. I'll just give him a sword, is all. A... magic sword. So long as the sword and scabbard are in his possession, he can never die." Describing the weapon caused it to appear, and Muscleus set off to oppose the enemy army with the miraculous blade in tow.

"Overpowered, much?" scoffed the other voice.

"Well, maybe..." I admitted. "But I'm sure that future villains will find ways to be clever. "What if someone steals it, or uses seduction to get the better of him? Or maybe someone will disarm him in battle! I mean, just because he has an amazing weapon, that doesn't mean he's helpless without it."

"I suppose that is true," said the other voice. "Or, maybe a future villain will just use the Spring flood waters against him?"

I frowned. That was oddly specific. To my dismay, the other voice had created a vast flood, which rushed through the valley in between Muscleus' village and the city. I tried to save him, but it was already too late- he had drowned. ...hadn't he? "What did you do? Why isn't he moving?"

"I didn't do anything," said the other voice. "But that sudden flood prevented Muscleus from getting the necessary oxygen that his body needs. Only your weapon prevents him from dying, so he's still alive. His body can't function without oxygen, but somehow he's still alive. How tragic. What a terrible, unintended consequence of your gift."

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. Muscleus was as good as dead. And without the hero I had created, this world was unstable.