Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


I wouldn't be able to make the spacecraft disappear, but I could at least give them the ability to fight back. I made as much advance weaponry as I could, placing it all on an armory rack in the center of their village. I wasn't sure how powerful the other voice had made the spacecraft, so I opted for a variety of beam weapons and explosives.

"Is that a heat-seeking laser rifle?" the other voice asked. "Very nice! Of course, these people are barely even capable of using spears, so I'm not entirely sure what you expect them to do with those weapons..."

He was right. How could I have been so stupid? The people were just as afraid of the weapons as they were the mysterious craft in the sky. I started making automated sentry towers to try and defend their civilization, but it was too late. The spacecraft were armed with precise laser weaponry, and they destroyed the towers just as quickly as I was able to make them.

The sentry towers had been able to take down a few of the other voice's ships, but even that was a hollow victory. Once the craft hit the ground, they burst into flame, igniting the crops, and turning the open plains into a vast wildfire.

Fire began to engulf everything. I could do nothing but watch, as the entire world I created cried out in pain and suffering. Everything was tinged a horrid shade of red. One of the stray laser bolts hit the armory of weapons I had created. The concentrated surplus of power exploded instantly, creating a shockwave of destruction that pulsed outward.

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