Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

That Strange Feeling

It's morning and the friends got up for breakfast. They drank coffee and hot choco as their drinks. Billy and Kim went to work whereas Nizz stayed home and did most of the chores. Only Raz and Nizz were left at the apartment.

"What's the matter, Raz?" Nizz approaching him while she's drinking her coffee. Raz is sitting by the window, thinking deeply.
"Huh? Oh. No, it's nothing. Don't worry." Raz turned to look back.
"C'mon, don't hide it." Nizz nagging Raz.
"Well, it's about that work thing that we talked about last night. I still couldn't get over the workload SOLDIER is giving me. I guess we can't really get rid of that 'evil' around us." Raz exclaimed as he looks down.
"If you keep thinking about it, it'll be a burden that will forever stay there until it gets resolved. If you stop thinking about it, you'll lessen your worries." Nizz said as she looks at the window too.
"Those are good advices, Nizz. I guess it ain't easy not thinking about it. It stays there." Raz said.
"What do you mean it stays there? C'mon, let me give you your hot choco." Nizz moving her view away from the window and went to the kitchen. Nizz handed the hot choco to Raz and thanks her for the warmth.

Raz finished his drink, got up and took a bath. After which, he dressed up and went to the park. From there, he sat on the bench, overlooking the boats rowing across the lake. He takes glances at the people passing by, children playing happily, families bonding together and trees dancing as the wind blows. He was silently looking at the nice view of the park and is very happy about it.

From a far, Raz noticed a woman fighting some bioterrorists on an enclosed alley. Raz hurriedly got up from his bench and went to that area. As he crossed the street, more bioterrorists came out. He was able to fend them off and went side-to-side with the woman as they kill the intruders. Soon, the woman got hurt and Raz fought them off. When they were defeated, Raz approached the woman as she tends her right arm.

"Hey, are you alright?" Raz approaching the downed woman.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for helping me fend off those monsters." The woman expressed her gratitude.
"No problem. I'll accompany you to the hospital." Raz lending a hand.
"No, no. I'm fine. Don't worry about me." The woman said as she rejects the offer. She was pulled over back to her feet.
"You need to be treated. You're badly hurt." Raz said as he looks at the wounds.
"It's fine." The woman said as she continues to tend to her right arm.

SOLDIER soon arrived and were informed of the situation on that area. They helped out the woman. Raz looked on as she is being carried from the van. Stunned by her oozing beauty and prowess, he continues to look on to the van until it dashes away from his view. Then he goes back to the park and continue sightseeing.

This ends the branching chapter of Chapter 7 Hero line. The next chapter merges both choice from Chapter 7.

You have 1 choice: