Ortum Aquilae

"As you wish" Aiello says and close the door of your room as he leaves.

You open the envelope with eagerness to see what is this about.

Student: Philip Houston
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Height: 61 inches
Weight: 87 lbs
Enrolment date: April 2055

This paper contains a summary of Philip Houston life and the current educational performance starting with the enrollment date up to 27 Octumber of 2063.

Philip Houston is the son of the Roman's army General Antonio Houston and Nicol Houston. His father died in the massacre of Ardenza in 24 March of 2055. That turn of event forced Nicol Houston to enroll her son into our Orino state school for dependent and neglected children, as the family was mostly funded by the dead General.

Through the years, Philip Houston have been evolved into a high rated student in many disciplines, developing and demonstrating a timid, introvert, affectionate and enthusiastic personality to his superior and classmate alike. He is always cooperative with the teachers, and friendly and humble in his interpersonal relations with his friends.

It can be said that he is an overly good student, but his score is always higher in the disciplines of biology, geometry, chemistry, literature, history and sexual education.

Philip Houston is considerably popular as well, as he is the leading member of the "Young Historians" faction and is always participating in the chemistry experiments every evening in the labs.

His social skill is high as well, as he is very good at using both the English and Italian language, considering the Enlish his natural one, and he has demonstrated basics influencing, negiotiating and persuading skills through his various in-class presentations.

He has been awarded for his extensive knowledge of geometry twice.

Moving into the physical skills, he demonstrates a satisfactory ahtletic life by participating into the various sports tournaments around the school. He excess in wrestling of all types and in short-distance sprinting, although he hasnt earned any prize in particular.

In the following pages you will find detailed information about his proccess on every discipline or module he have participated and an analysis of his intellect and physical skills.

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