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Whose Throne Is It, Anyway?

Well, the time has come that you have unwittingly trained for by watching so many episodes of the American version of "Whose Line Is It, Anyway?": a late-night commercial (that you're not entirely sure isn't a fever dream) decrees...

"The throne of TV Land is now up for grabs! The last King, desperate to leave his throne in the capable hands of a comic genius (and not some lousy corporate dick), is putting out this decree for you, the true fans... the late-night watchers of awesome TV. The people who are in bed by now would just never understand, and that's what makes you so special! Using Neilsen technology, we have made a record of all you viewers with TV channels active during the past episode of 'Whose Line Is It, Anyway?' and this entire commercial, and you will get your once-in-a-lifetime chance in tomorrow's mail! Be on the lookout, and send in your reply quickly - the throne of TV Land could be yours!"

The next commercial comes on as if nothing had just happened, and you can't help wondering if what you saw was real or not. You finally shrug it off and decide to re-watch Firefly on Netflix.

You have 1 choice: