Dan VS. Paper

Dan decided denial was the best way to deal with this. He took the list out of his pocket and looked at it wide eyed. "What is this!?" He said in a disgusted tone. He held it by the corner then chucked it away.

He wiped his hands off on his shirt and walked to his car.

"I wonder what that was..." He grumbled under his breath as he got to his car. He freaked out because there was paper everywhere.

His hands were shaky as he took out his phone and called Chris.

"Chris!" He yelled into the phone.

"What is it Dan?" Chris sighed.

"Th-there's w-weird stuff in my car! It-it's white and crumpled and...and...some of it has words on it!" Dan said nervously.

Chris was silent on the other end for a few moments. "You mean paper?"

"P-paper? Wh-what's that? Is it going to hurt me!?" Dan said.

"Where are you?" Chris asked.

"Outside th-the store." Dan said.

"Stay where you are...I'll come get you." Chris said and hung up. Dan waited for a few minutes, then he saw Chris's car pull up. "Dan...get into the car..."

Dan got into Chris's car. Chris drove to an unfamiliar building and took Dan inside.

"Hello, you must be Dan." A man in a suit said. "Come with me.."

"No!" Dan protested.

"Dan...go with him...please.." Chris said sounding concerned. Dan was confused why he sounded so nervous. He followed the man in the suit.

"Sit." The man said gesturing to a chair. Dan sat in the chair. "So...tell me why are you scared of paper?"
End Of Story