Dan VS. Paper

Dan sat up and uncrumbled the paper.

"What a waste of paper.." He grumbled. He uncrumbled all the pieces and put them into a pile. "What should I do with this?"

He thought for a moment then snapped his fingers. " I got it! A romance novel!"

He started writing on the paper: Chapter 1. Anna stood by the old house, her breath caught in her throat. She hadn't been here for years and she wasn't sure what compelled her to come back. Maybe it was childhood memories of the old daycare center that used to stand there. Or it could've been her want for solitude. Whatever the case she was back again, facing the ghost of her childhood in the eyes. She remembered the days of laughing and playing there. When her father would pick her up each day and take her out for dinner. Whenever they got a new set of kids meal toys in, her father would buy her the whole set. Any extras she'd get from other days of getting a kids meal with the same toy, her dad would sell in an attempt to start a college fund for her. Those memories made Anna's heartache. Alcohol had turned those old happy memories to something to distant. Since the day she ran away, they were all she had with her. All she needed."

Dan sat there writing for a few hours. Eventually he got to the last chapter: Chapter 68.Tom pressed his lips against Anna's. She felt so very light headed, but oh so happy. She pulled back and looked into his dark hazel eyes, which twinkled in the moon and starlight.

"Anna." He said softly as he took her hand in his. "I love you."

Anna felt a smile form on her face and her eyes became moist. Those were the words she wanted to hear the most. "I love you too.."

Tom leaned down to her level and pressed his lips gently against hers and held onto her back with his gentle hands.

It was the second most wonderful feeling any of them ever felt. They knew that they had each other now. That was the first wonderful feeling they ever felt.

Dan stared at the paper stack. "Wow..I just wrote a romance novel..maybe I can make some money off of this or something."

He took the papers and went to his car to drive home and send it to a publishing company.
End Of Story