Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

One Day

"You're wrong." she looks down at you and you bite your bottom lip. What will she do to you?

Ms. Goldilocks fingers slide into her drawer and pull out a knife. You gasp at the sharp blade and she grins. "Sorry boy, the punishment is death."

You scream in horror as the knife lunges at you. Suddenly she stops and smiles. "Just kidding Bob. You were wrong but I won't kill you. Maybe next time, though... Well, what do you have for me again? I forgot. Just give me those files and I will read them in class. You are dismissed."

You walk outside, your head filled with confusion. Are you somehow incredibly lucky today? You scratch your head as you head back to your dorm room.

You lay back on your bed and look at the ceiling. There are still 5 minutes until class starts. What do you do?

You have 2 choices: