Escape And Seek Revenge On The Author!

You unscrew the screws and head into the air duct.
This duct system does not appear to be part of the testing area.

You head through the duct system quietly crawling for about 15 minutes before you come up on a grate. You look through the grate and see me sitting at the computer frantically clicking through different cameras.

"God damn it!! Where is my victim? You go on e-bay to bid on crap at the last second and then your victim disappears! How can this happen?"

Obviously I am frustrated so much that I do not hear you pop the grate off as you remove the screws from the inside.

You are lucky because you found the shortest way to defeating me.
This method of defeating me was a hidden ending.

Now click on the link and create a choice with your user name and type out how you kill me and how many times you died before you got me.