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Loose Ends

There are 17 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
168516 You get up and walk up to them, saying, "I bet you got that from your grandmother for Easter." then make a face and stomp away. 86140
168517 You stay where you are and wait to see what they do next. 86140
168518 You roll your eyes and try to find some of your friends. 86140
168519 You stare at your crush, Daniel dreamily. 86140
168520 You give yourself a mental note to wear make-up tomorrow since everyone else is. 86141
168521 Look for friends and start socializing. 86142
168522 Throw your backpack on the floor and start picking up desks to show off your muscles. 86142
168523 Find your seat and check if you sit near any of your friends. 86142
168569 Say, "Eww, no!! You think boys are C-U-T-E?? You are disgusting!" and scoot away from her. 86178
168570 Say, "Yeah, I guess. Well there IS this one guy that I kinda like." and start blushing. 86178
168571 Don't say anything. Give her an angry look and roll your eyes at her girlyness. 86178
168572 "OH MY GOSH!!!! I can't believe school just officially started!" and start having a spazz attack. 86179
168573 "Wow. I can't believe how fast summer went by. Looks like time really does fly when you have fun." 86179
168574 "I can't believe how everything is starting and everyone is in 6th grade now and we are in middle school and I can't wait to meet my homeroom teacher and all of my other teachers!!!" all in one breath. 86179
168575 Scream, "Jade!!! Where are you??!!" so that the whole school can hear. 86180
168576 Just push the thought away. After all, you didn't NEED to be with her on the first day of school. You had other friends. 86180
168577 Laugh evily because you've always hated that girl. 86180