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The Case of the Missing Billionaire

Loose Ends

There are 10 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
13309 Is the figure his personal maid? 6434
13310 Is the figure a masked murder? 6434
13311 Is he figure a kidnapper? 6434
13312 Is the figure his personal chef? 6434
13511 Maybe you get the ouija board out and call back to her. 6501
18098 Pick up the rock and look at it. 8728
18099 Start digging in the dirt under the rock. 8728
18100 Call to your wife hoping she will appear again to tell you what to do next. 8728
18101 Get up off the ground and curse as now your clothes are soaked and muddy. 8728
18102 Throw the rock at your driver and ask him why he hasn't helped you up yet. 8728