Twisted Murder

Loose Ends

There are 22 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
131542 Go to the back of the Diner 66237
131543 Talk to the Bum sleeping in the Gutter 66237
131545 Call the Waitress 66238
131546 Call out for the Cops 66238
131548 Ignore what you called the Waitress and order 66239
131549 Oder 66240
131551 Ask her name 66240
131552 Flirt with her 66240
131554 Call for the Cops 66241
131555 Call for the Waiter 66241
131556 Call for the Waitress 66241
131557 Use the Toilet 66241
131558 Order something 66242
131559 Use the Toilet 66242
131561 Talk to a Cop 66242
131562 Chat to Waitress 66242
131565 Look behind you 66245
131567 Hide the body 66246
131568 Clean up the blood 66246
131569 Hide the murder weapon 66246
131570 Wash you hands, face and clothes of all the blood 66246
131571 Turn yourself in 66246